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These are the Facts How to Get Rid of Pimples with Honey

How to get rid of pimples with honey is thought to be effective because honey has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Although these allegations have not been supported by accurate scientific evidence and facts, honey has long been used by the community to overcome acne, including for various other purposes. Honey is one alternative acne treatment that is often used. Despite the fact, until now honey has not been proven and is recognized to be truly effective in removing acne.

Antibacterial Effects of Honey

The results expressed by honey users for the treatment of acne are very diverse. There are some who claim to succeed in removing pimples or make faces glow. However, not everyone has the same effect. One type of honey that is widely said to be able to help get rid of pimples is manuka honey from New Zealand. This ability is then linked to research that says manuka honey has an antibacterial effect and helps wound healing. Indeed, honey has long been used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The substances in honey are considered to have the ability to overcome bacterial and fungal infections. When applied to the skin, honey will be a protector to moisturize and provide nutrients to speed healing. Bacteria are indeed one of the main factors causing acne, in addition to excessive oil production, accumulation of dead skin cells, and clogged pores. So, to treat acne, one of which is to overcome bacterial infections while reducing the inflammatory process, in addition to reducing oil in the skin and accelerating the process of cell regeneration. A study says, manuka honey is the most effective way to help deal with injuries than the other two types of honey. It's just that, from the study found data that the benefits of honey did not show significant results as a way to get rid of acne. Therefore, how to get rid of pimples with honey still needs to be further investigated.

Various other benefits

Although how to get rid of pimples with honey is not yet certain, honey is known to help treat burns. In addition, honey also has a variety of other benefits for health if consumed. Instead of removing pimples with honey, this ingredient can be used to treat sunburns and minor burns. Some limited research shows that honey also has benefits for other types of wounds, including cuts, wounds after surgery, and chronic wounds to the feet. It is known, honey can reduce pus and odor in wounds, can clean wounds, reduce infections and pain, and shorten the healing time. In addition, honey is known to help relieve coughing if taken before going to bed. A study shows, honey will stimulate saliva production. This saliva will encourage the formation of mucus in the respiratory tract, so that the respiratory tract remains wet and the cough will subside. Research also shows that the benefits of honey for cough are as good as cough medicines. Honey is also thought to have a good effect as a diabetes prevention. This is because honey has a low glycemic index but has a sweet taste that is not inferior to ordinary sugar. Foods with low glycemic index have the ability to release sugar more slowly in the body, so as to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. Don't just rely on how to get rid of pimples with honey, because that hasn't been proven scientifically. If the acne is getting annoying and doesn't disappear immediately, consult a dermatologist immediately to get the right treatment. And if you want to consume honey together with other medicines, you should consult with your doctor first.
